
I hope that something I write is able to move you or simply bring a smile to your face and brighten your day even if it's for a mere second!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Important Chapter in my Life

Sometimes when I look back on how much my life has changed, from where I live, the things I do, to the people who are apart of my life-- I can't help but sometimes think of those few special people who once were so important in my life and who are now no more than just another familiar face- if that. It's sad how we disassociate with people sometimes because of past issues, change of hearts, or the simple fact that we've grown into people that no longer have anything in common. My dad once told me that there is only so much time in our days which makes our time valuable, so in the end of the day we spend that time with people who treat us right, build us up and love us for the wonderfully people we've grown into. I do miss some people from my past and wish nothing but the best for them still, but I guess I just have to come to realize that there is a point where two friends can become strangers-- does that make them any less of my friend? No, they were and always will hold a special place in my life, and I thank God for all my experiences. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though you will never read this "thank you for touching my heart and helping me to grow into the young lady I am today!" --To "Friend from the past"

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