
I hope that something I write is able to move you or simply bring a smile to your face and brighten your day even if it's for a mere second!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Change of Importance..

Sometimes things change, people change, its an inevitable part of life..While change can be both good and bad there's no reason to feel guilty about growing up and realizing what once was of importance is no longer...and real value lies in growing closer in those relationships which matter most. I'm so excited about leaving and being closer to my family as i adventure forward into this next stage of my life..nothing compares to the joy i receive from being around the people who love me the most; last night was confirmation of just how much my interest have changed compared to the people i once was soooo close to..and i'm not bitter about it at all..I thank God for making this process an easy transition for me, because i was nervous about leaving everything i was familiar with behind and jumping into something so different and out of my comfort zone, but for once in my life I feel like there's nothing holding me back and that is truly a blessing in my eyes!

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